It is official!!!
Today I signed my new job contract and I'm now an official employee of Germany's well known car rental company with 4 letters and the colors orange and black! :) In case you didn't know it, this company has not been in the USA before, but is now on expansion into the new world in their 99th year of existence. Since each State over here is like a single country in Europe, the company chose Florida to start with and opened their first location at Miami International Airport about 2 months ago. Now I did apply for an office position with them, but since my new boss (30 years old and one of Germany's top young managers) believes my profile fits their branch manager program better, but I'm restricted from travel due to baby, I might become something in between. I did already attend two interviews for "my future employees" today and we're starting training tomorrow. I'm so excited! I'll be training in Miami, but will be based at the new location in Fort Lauderdale once it opens in June.
I've been waiting for a position like this for quite some time now and after things in the restaurant were getting slightly frustrating - felt insulted by my new General Manager who offered me a $11-12/h position, less than I make serving tables - and quite a few customers just wanting everything for free - I was definitely ready for a change!
The greatest thing is, I'll even get a company car again! This couldn't have come at a better timing as I was wanting to buy or lease a new car this year and was trying to up my credit some more.
Well, wish me luck on my new job journey and come visit me at the rental car station in FLL one of these days :)
Nur eine kurze Uebersetzung heute, da ich ins Bettchen muss, weil sich mein Arbeitsrhythmus einiges veraendern wird :) :
Ich habe heute meinen Arbeitsvertrag mit einer sehr bekannten deutschen Autovermietung mit 4 Buchstaben und orange/schwarzen Farben unterschrieben!!! Ich freue mich ja so, da ich schon eine Weile auf so eine Stelle gewartet habe. Diese Autovermietung expandiert gerade in die USA und hat sich Florida als ersten Staat ausgesucht und in Miami vor ca. 2 Monaten die erste Location aufgemacht. Ich werde vorerst in Miami lernen und dann im Juni in die neue Location in Fort Lauderdale umziehen.
Alles ganz spannend!!! Falls von euch deutschen Greencard-Gewinnern jemand an diesem Gewerbe interessiert ist, wie gesagt, die sind auf Expansion und dementsprechend wird es da jetzt in den naechsten Monaten einige Jobs geben... Augen auf und Koffer gepackt! ;)
Drueckt mir die Daumen, dass ich mich gut schlage. Heute habe ich mich auf jeden Fall schon gut gemacht!
Today I signed my new job contract and I'm now an official employee of Germany's well known car rental company with 4 letters and the colors orange and black! :) In case you didn't know it, this company has not been in the USA before, but is now on expansion into the new world in their 99th year of existence. Since each State over here is like a single country in Europe, the company chose Florida to start with and opened their first location at Miami International Airport about 2 months ago. Now I did apply for an office position with them, but since my new boss (30 years old and one of Germany's top young managers) believes my profile fits their branch manager program better, but I'm restricted from travel due to baby, I might become something in between. I did already attend two interviews for "my future employees" today and we're starting training tomorrow. I'm so excited! I'll be training in Miami, but will be based at the new location in Fort Lauderdale once it opens in June.
I've been waiting for a position like this for quite some time now and after things in the restaurant were getting slightly frustrating - felt insulted by my new General Manager who offered me a $11-12/h position, less than I make serving tables - and quite a few customers just wanting everything for free - I was definitely ready for a change!
The greatest thing is, I'll even get a company car again! This couldn't have come at a better timing as I was wanting to buy or lease a new car this year and was trying to up my credit some more.
Well, wish me luck on my new job journey and come visit me at the rental car station in FLL one of these days :)
Nur eine kurze Uebersetzung heute, da ich ins Bettchen muss, weil sich mein Arbeitsrhythmus einiges veraendern wird :) :
Ich habe heute meinen Arbeitsvertrag mit einer sehr bekannten deutschen Autovermietung mit 4 Buchstaben und orange/schwarzen Farben unterschrieben!!! Ich freue mich ja so, da ich schon eine Weile auf so eine Stelle gewartet habe. Diese Autovermietung expandiert gerade in die USA und hat sich Florida als ersten Staat ausgesucht und in Miami vor ca. 2 Monaten die erste Location aufgemacht. Ich werde vorerst in Miami lernen und dann im Juni in die neue Location in Fort Lauderdale umziehen.
Alles ganz spannend!!! Falls von euch deutschen Greencard-Gewinnern jemand an diesem Gewerbe interessiert ist, wie gesagt, die sind auf Expansion und dementsprechend wird es da jetzt in den naechsten Monaten einige Jobs geben... Augen auf und Koffer gepackt! ;)
Drueckt mir die Daumen, dass ich mich gut schlage. Heute habe ich mich auf jeden Fall schon gut gemacht!