Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010

Time for change...

... but for nothing else!

Oh, shame on me for not posting for sooo long. I started writing about my Europe trip offline one day, but it got longer and longer and then turbulences came along the way which made me focus on other things and also my late evenings that used to be free time, were all of a sudden filled... ;)

So, 1st: The big Taaaadaaaaa...

Jenny's got a boyfriend! Real American originally from Reno, Nevada, in SoFlo for 2 years already. To the surprise of many he is my age (24) and 2 inches shorter. Hahaha! But such a cutie :). His name is Andrew by the way.

He's the best thing that happened to me in a long time. I got flowers sent to my workplace for example and on a bad day he just came by the restaurant with a huge teddy bear on the passenger seat of his car which was holding chocolate... Last Saturday he then showed up all dressed up in black with a white tie (sooo handsome!) and rose coloured roses in his hands. My customers started clapping! :)

Now from all you Americans... let's hear a big AAAAAWWWWW!!! ;)

The 2nd big Tadaaaaa...

Andrew and I are moving together! Yes, that's quite quick, but so cool! My roommate gave me some trouble after Andrew spent the night over here once. He wanted to forbid me any more overnight visits and gave me huge drama. Andrew is the 1st person I ever brought to this place since I live here, I pay a good amount of rent and my roommate's girlfriend sleeps over a lot, but I shouldn't do the same!??? That's some big BS right there. Anyways, it added up to the other things that I was getting tired off and I looked at apartments, found MINE yesterday and signed the Lease today. Yeeeehaw!

I'll be getting the keys on Monday and since we met in Hollywood, FL, we are going to move to Hollywood, FL - which is like right around the corner from where I live now. Gated community overlooking a golf course. It's a pretty spacious 2/1 with high-higher-highest ceilings. I'm sooo excited to have my - our own place over here in the USA!

And more information: Work has been a mess! One Up and Down since returning from the XMAS vacation, which made me question where I stand. I don't want to get into detail, but it's been CRAZY. We still love each other though! Anyhow, now that I'm not living my life over here so lonely anymore, I work too many (or too stupid) hours and it's time for a change of my job situation. My last day at Toss Up will be the 13th of next month and I'll volunteer for them at an event on the 14th again and then I'm outta there! Let's see where the road takes me. I'm very optimistic about this change!

Well, I hope that explains where I've been for the last couple of weeks. I'm still alive and well. Next month I'll be busy moving in, so no worries if it takes longer again until you hear from me.

Thanks to all you guys that still read my blog!!! :)

5 Kommentare:

  1. Here's my American AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! :D

  2. Ich hab zwar kein American Aaaawwwww für Dich, dafür bekommst Du ein gutes, deutsches Yippiiieeeee!!! :o)
    Wünsch Dir alles Gute und dass es mit neuer Wohnung, neuem Freund und neuem Job klappt!

    In sechs Wochen sind wir auch endlich da, wenn Du Lust und Zeit hast, würd ich mich freuen, wenn wir uns nochmal auf nen Kaffee treffen.
    LG Jennie

  3. Good for you!!!!!!!
    Good luck with the move and finding a new job!

  4. TGI Jenny!!! Uns fallen Zentner vom Herzen. Hatte schon Deine phone number bei der Arbeit parat und am Montag, waerst Du faellig gewesen...;-))) Was ein Befreiungsschlag- ging am 17.12. los und sollte so sein. geniess Dein Leben in vollen Zuegen. Ihr schaut gluecklich aus. Und dann auch noch so ein Romantiker. Das passt zu Dir und haste Dir verdient. Wir druecken Dich ganz feste und...fuer 2 ist bei uns auch Platz! Busserl Carmen
