Freitag, 3. September 2010

"People that hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life!"

My 2 Love Birds! Watching me closely when I came home with groceries today.

They've divided chores up equally between them. Diamond will keep me company snuggled up next to me whenever I'm on the couch and she will also talk to me, whereas Smokey is my nighttime kisser and my playful kitty when it comes to hide & seek. I don't know how they ended up being like that. All I can say is, I love them and if it wouldn't have been for them, I'm sure one worry or the other would have been a lot worse. Going to bed, knowing that 1 minute after the lights go out, Smokey will just show up next to my head and kiss me goodnight and purr for a minute and then disappear back into the dark, is purely amazing. That's what I love about cats. They just know what's up with their human and act accordingly!

Love my babies 1 + 2 :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Es ist so schoen wenn Katzen wissen was mit einem los ist und darauf reagieren. :) Meine wissen ganz genau wie sie mich aufmuntern koennen. Ohne die Fellbeutel waer die Welt nur halb so schoen.
